For providers

The risk adjustment and quality of care solution built for you 

Vatica Health’s risk adjustment solution is ranked #1 because it was purpose-built by physicians for physicians. Unlike other prospective solutions that either work around or frustrate PCPs with alert fatigue, Vatica offers a fresh approach that providers actually embrace.

Thousands of PCPs have adopted Vatica because it’s easy to use, supported at the point of care by Vatica Clinical Consultants and administrative staff, imposes no added financial burden and improves patient care.

Trusted by leading providers

How providers benefit

Improved quality of care with increased utilization of preventive health encounters, actionable data to close care gaps and accurate risk scores to ensure appropriate care management

Greater efficiency due to dedicated clinical and administrative support services

Optimized practice performance from in-office health-plan-sponsored risk assessments, optimized FFS revenue and enhanced VBC performance

No-risk solution with sponsoring plans covering 100%

Improved continuity of care because PCPs stay involved and are better equipped to follow up with patients

Continuous education from Vatica delivers one-to-one training on coding and documentation. Free webinars are offered monthly, with some for CME credits.

A solution that puts PCPs first

With dedicated, expert clinical support and easy-to-use technology at no cost to the PCP, Vatica’s risk adjustment and quality of care solution is helping thousands of PCPs significantly improve clinical performance.

Hear what our clients have to say.

What makes Vatica different 

Expert clinical and admin support 

Most risk adjustment solutions either work around or frustrate PCPs with endless unsubstantiated alerts. Vatica’s dedicated clinical consultants fill this gap, serving as extensions of your team. With clinical backgrounds as RNs or advanced practice providers, they take on critical workpreparing data before the encounter that surfaces only substantiated clinical insights—and train your teamstreamlining documentation and coding and creating flexible workflows to meet unique practice needs.

PCP-centric technology and workflow 

Everything about our healthcare provider solution is designed to meet the daily needs and workflows of your clinical staff. While our goal for the user experience is simplicity, our technology is extremely potent to drive efficiency and accuracy. The solution is easy and intuitive to learn, with onboarding in as little as two weeks. In addition, our workflow-agnostic approach prioritizes flexibility and enables PCPs to complete coding directly in their EMR (EMR-dependent) or post-encounter at their convenience.

Comprehensive data 

Vatica synthesizes EMR and health plan data to create the most comprehensive and complete view of each patient. The powerful combination of Vatica’s technology and clinical consultants makes this data actionable for providers during the patient encounter.

Sponsored by leading health plans 

Vatica’s health plan partners cover the cost and provide health plan program revenue because Vatica’s solution is proven to enhance coding and documentation, double member penetration, and increase accuracy and specificity by 12%. In addition, Vatica helps health plans and PCPs improve quality scores (HEDIS and Stars measures) by identifying care gaps at the point of care so PCPs can more easily address them.

A solution for organizations of all sizes

Vatica Health can address the specific needs of any provider organization, regardless of size and current or future VBC risk arrangement. We’ve built strong partnerships with Accountable Care Organizations, Independent Practice Associations and Clinically Integrated Networks that enable these networks to improve care quality, align with VBC models and optimize their operational performance.  Vatica supports improvement in total practice performance, no matter where providers are in their VBC journey.


Named Best in KLAS®
three years in a row

2025 marked the third year in a row that we were recognized with the Best in KLAS distinction in the Risk Adjustment Software and Professional Services category.

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Hear from our customers

“For patients who are part of the Vatica program, we have frequently identified conditions that weren’t on the radar or were buried in the chart. Our clinical teams don’t have the bandwidth to do a deep dive and find those things. Vatica gets these conditions on the radar, and they get the attention they deserve. It reduces the risk of morbidity and mortality because they aren’t missed. I like Vatica’s approach to risk assessment. It’s very user-friendly; the interface is great.”

Brian Williams, MD
NEMG, Connecticut

“Using Vatica has helped immensely with our quality program and identifying gaps in care. We’ve seen an improvement to risk adjustment accuracy of more than 10%.”

Richard Charles, MD
General Physician PC, New York

“My colleagues and I agree that the process is much faster than we expected. Vatica has made it easier to see some of the things I’m not aware of with my patients. And I don’t have to spend time digging into the chart to find them.”

Cathy Yoder, MD
Premier Family Medicine, Indiana

“I’ve been most impressed with Vatica’s ‘at-the-elbow’ customer service. It’s been such an easy process for our clinicians to onboard. The team is willing to come out—even on short notice—to make sure that the clinicians can log on and use the product with a real case. When they’re done, the clinicians have a good understanding of how to use the product to its fullest extent.”

Kyle Kaufman, MD
UC Health, Ohio


Read our latest thoughts
on healthcare 

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Key metrics for value-based care

Value-based care (VBC) is designed to incentivize providers to improve outcomes in a cost-efficient manner. In other words, payment and quality of care are inextricably linked.


What’s behind the move from retrospective to prospective risk adjustment?

Health plans across the country are recognizing the superior value of prospective risk adjustment programs, and rightfully so.


Another blow to detached health risk assessments

Health Affairs recently published a study of data from 4 million Medicare Advantage (MA) members indicating that health risk assessments (HRAs) contributed up to $12 billion per year to risk adjusted payments in 2020.

Adjust your approach to risk adjustment

Talk to one of our risk adjustment experts today to see how we can help you deliver better performance and stronger compliance while closing gaps in care.
